Kitanamikai is a traditional Iaido and Jodo Dojo located in Drachten, Friesland, The Netherlands.
The traditional Japanese martial art focused on the smooth, precise drawing of the sword and immediate response to a threat, emphasizing control, awareness, and fluidity of movement.
Iaido is the technique of swift and fluently drawing of the sword followed by a direct attack. Iaido consists of the following elements: Nukitsuke, the drawing of the sword, immediately followed by a cut; Kiritsuke, the dictly following strike, cut or stab; Chiburi, assuming the opponent is down the swordblade is shaken free of blood; and Noto, the reinserting of the sword in its scabbard. All movements are to be executed in a most fluent, clear an resolute manner. Techniques includes fast reactions to attacks from the front, back and sides by one or more opponents and from a sitting as well from a standing position. The execution is characterized by concentration and a continuing vigilance (Zanshin). Even though there is no real opponent, while executing Iaido techniques one has to create an opponent in one's mind and to imagine a threat as realistic as possible. If not, Iaido is reduced to a series of meaningless movements.
The traditional Japanese martial art that uses a short wooden staff (jo) to defend against swords, emphasizing precision, timin, and control to neutralize an opponent
The Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo was founded over 300 years ago by Muso Gonnosuke. He combined the most important techniques of Kenjutsu (swordsmanship), Sojutsu (the art of the spear) and naginatajutsu (the art of the halberd) and used for this purpose a wooden stick approximately 128 cm long and a diameter of 2,4 cm. The strategic and techniques of the school where very difficult to master and teaching happened for many years secretly. Practicing Jodo has many positive sides. That is why they decided in Japan, under supervision of the 25th grand master Takaji Shimizi Dai Sensei, to make Jodo more accessible for more people. The original system contained 64 kata (forms) and 12 (base techniques). From this a system was developed consisting of 12 kata and 12 kihon, which expressed the fundamental principles of the school. This matter is called the Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei Seitei Jodo Kata. These kata were, after 5 years of study, formatted in 1968. When one masters these 12 kata, one can continue practicing the old (Koryu) school. The main target for hitting and trusting is the plexus solaris. After this the temples, between the eyes and on the sides (liver and gall-bladder) at the level of the navel. The movements of the Jo, when performed in series, are very effective against attacks with for instance a sword. One peculiar detail of Jodo is the speed and high frequency by which a Jo is being used. This is possible because a Jo has no beginning and no end, thus enabling many combinations.
The club was founded in 1974 by Jan and Anton Borg Snake Kemmerling and was then called Shinbukan. The occasion was an inspiring introductory course in Harderwijk, after which also the Kendo club in Meppel was founded. This makes the association of the five oldest iado- and jodo clubs in the Netherlands. For many years Anton was a passionate dojo leader always giving special attention to proper techniques and the development of a strong spirit. This is the basis on which nowaday's Kitanamikai (by then still called Shinbukan) is built. In the beginning, kendo, iaido and jodo were practiced at the Shinbukan Dojo. From 1992 on, the kendo training was taken over by Willem Riesenkamp whereas the iadio and jodo training was lead by Anton Kemmerling first and by Thijs Boerema later who still conducts the training. Thus, iaido and jodo are the discipilines practiced and taught in the Kitanamikai Dojo nowadays. For those interested in Kendo we recommend contacting Willem Riesenkamp in Groningen (shinbukan dojo).
There are about 10 active members and many inactive ones. At the moment, 3–5 people without rank, one person with 1st Dan Iaido, three with 3rd Dan, and two with 4th Dan Iaido, as well as one 3rd Dan and one 2nd Dan in Jodo, train regularly. The dojo members regularily attend to trainings, examinations and seminars in the Netherlands, sometimes also in Belgium, Germany or Austria.
Our sensei, Thijs Boerema, has been practicing iaido and jodo since 1981.
Thijs Boerema Sensei
Kyoshi 7th Dan Iaido (IMAF)
5th dan Iaido (FIK)
4th dan Jodo (FIK)
4th dan Karate (IMAF)
1st dan Judo (IMAF)
Monday 19:00-20:00 iaido & jodo
Thursday 19:00-20:00 iaido & jodo
Gym at Splitting 17, 9202 LC Drachten
ContacT Kitanamikai
For questions concerning the training, please send an e-mail to thijs.boerema@kitanamikai.org .